Templat:Han simp

Daripada Wiktionary

This template is used for the etymology section of simplified Chinese characters.

{{Han simp|A}}

Diringkaskan dari A

{{Han simp|A|a=C}}

Diringkaskan dari A dan C

{{Han simp|請|f=言|t=讠}}

The parameter f and t tell from which part it is simplified, and to what. For example, simplification from to is actually from to .

If there're more components are simplified rather than one, the important one should be chosen to fill in the parameters. For example, is simplified from by and . since the 言 is a Radical and used very common, we choose f=賣 and t=卖.

This character will be added in Kategori:Aksara ringkas CJKV in the order of the parameter "f".