Modul:category tree/poscatboiler/data/scripts
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Submodul data ini mentakrifkan sebahagian daripada struktur kategori Wikikamus.
Untuk pengenalan kepada sistem poscatboiler
dan penerangan tentang cara menambah atau mengubah suai kategori, lihat Modul:category tree/poscatboiler/data/doc.
local raw_categories = {}
local raw_handlers = {}
-- A list of Unicode blocks to which the characters of the script or scripts belong is created by this module
-- and displayed in script category pages.
local blocks_submodule = "Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/scripts/blocks"
-- --
-- --
The following values are recognized for each script label:
A plain English description for the label. Special template substitutions are recognized; see below.
A table listing one or more parent categories of the umbrella category 'LABELS by script' for this label.
The format is as for regular raw categories (see [[Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/documentation]]).
The breadcrumb to use in the umbrella category 'LABELS by script'. Defaults to "by script".
Same as the 'catfix' parameter for regular raw categories (see [[Module:category tree/poscatboiler/data/documentation]]).
This specifies a language code to use to ensure that pages in the category are displayed in the right font and linked
appropriately. If this is set, the 'catfix_sc' parameter will effectively be set with the script code in question.
Special template-like parameters can be used inside the 'description' field (as well as in the 'root_description', 'root_topright' and
'root_additional' variable values initialized below). These are replaced by the equivalent text.
{{{code}}}: Script code.
{{{codes}}}: A comma-separated list of all the alias codes for this script. This applies especially to Arabic, which has
multiple aliases (e.g. 'tt-Arab', 'ur-Arab', 'ku-Arab', etc.).
{{{codesplural}}}: The value "s" if {{{codes}}} lists more than one code, otherwise an empty string.
{{{scname}}}: The name of the script that the category belongs to.
{{{sccat}}}: The name of the script's main category, which adds "script" to the capitalized regular name.
{{{scdisp}}}: The display form of the script, which adds "script" to the regular name.
{{{scprosename}}}: Same as {{{scdisp}}} for Morse code and flag semaphore, otherwise adds "the" before {{{scdisp}}}.
{{{Wikipedia}}}: The Wikipedia article for the script (if it is present in the language's data file), or else {{{sccat}}}.
local script_labels = {}
script_labels["aksara"] = {
description = "Semua aksara daripada {{{scprosename}}}, dan kesemua kelainan aksara yang mungkin, seperti versi berdiakritik serta gabungan aksara yang diiktiraf sebagai aksara tunggal dalam mana-mana bahasa.",
umbrella_parents = {"Asas"},
umbrella_breadcrumb = "Aksara mengikut tulisan",
catfix = "mul",
script_labels["lampiran"] = {
description = "Lampiran berkenaan {{{scprosename}}}.",
umbrella_parents = {"Kategori:Lampiran"},
script_labels["bahasa-bahasa"] = {
description = "bahasa-bahasa yang menggunakan {{{scprosename}}}.",
umbrella_parents = {"Semua bahasa"},
script_labels["templat"] = {
description = "Templat dengan kandungan ditakrifkan terlebih dahulu untuk {{{scprosename}}}.",
umbrella_parents = {"Templat"},
script_labels["modul"] = {
description = "Modul dengan tulisan untuk {{{scprosename}}}.",
umbrella_parents = {"Modul"},
script_labels["modul data"] = {
description = "Modul yang mengandungi data berkaitan {{{scprosename}}}.",
umbrella_parents = {"Modul data"},
-- --
-- --
raw_categories["Semua tulisan"] = {
description = "Kategori ini mengandungi kategori untuk setiap jenis tulisan (sistem tulisan) yang ada di Wikikamus.",
additional = "Sila lihat [[Wikikamus:Senarai tulisan]] untuk senarai lengkap mengenai tulisan.",
parents = {"Asas"},
-- Types of writing systems listed in [[Module:writing systems/data]].
raw_categories["Tulisan mengikut jenis"] = {
description = "Tulisan mengikut klasifikasi bagaimana tulisan tersebut melambang perkataan.",
parents = {{ name = "Semua tulisan", sort = " " }},
breadcrumb = "mengikut jenis",
raw_categories["Sistem tulisan alfabet"] = {
description = "Tulisan dengan simbolnya mewakili bunyi pertuturan individu.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
raw_categories["Abjad"] = {
description = "Tulisan dengan simbol asasnya mewakili bunyi konsonan. Sebahagian daripada aksara tersebut merupakan abjad yang tidak tulen, yang mempunyai huruf untuk beberapa vokal.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
raw_categories["Abugida"] = {
description = "Tulisan dengan simbol asasnya mewakili gabungan konsonan dan vokal. Simbol yang mewakili konsonan yang sama digabungkan dengan vokal yang berbeza kebanyakannya sama dari segi bentuk.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
raw_categories["Sistem tulisan logogram"] = {
description = "Tulisan dengan simbol asasnya mewakili perkataan individu.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
raw_categories["Sistem tulisan piktogram"] = {
description = "Tulisan dengan simbol asasnya mewakili perkataan individu dengan menggunakan simbol yang menyerupai objek fizikal yang dirujuk oleh perkataan tersebut.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
raw_categories["Sukukataan separa"] = {
description = "Tulisan yang merupakan gabungan huruf alfabet dan huruf sukukataan.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
raw_categories["Sukukataan"] = {
description = "Tulisan dengan simbolnya mewakili gabungan konsonan dan vokal. Simbol yang mewakili konsonan yang sama digabungkan dengan vokal yang berbeza kebanyakannya berbeza dari segi bentuk.",
parents = {"Tulisan mengikut jenis"},
for script_label, obj in pairs(script_labels) do
raw_categories[mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(script_label) .. " mengikut tulisan"] = {
description = "Kategori dengan pelbagai tulisan khusus untuk " .. script_label .. ".",
breadcrumb = obj.umbrella_breadcrumb or "mengikut tulisan",
parents = obj.umbrella_parents,
-- --
-- --
-- Intro text for "root" categories such as [[Category:Arabic script]]. Template substitutions are as described above.
local root_topright = [=[<div style="clear: right; border: solid #aaa 1px; margin: 1 1 1 1; background: #f9f9f9; width: 250px; padding: 5px; text-align: left; float: right">
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 5px">'''{{{scdisp}}}'''</div>
{| style="font-size: 90%; background: #f9f9f9"
| style="vertical-align: middle; height: 35px;" | [[File:Wikipedia-logo.png|35px|none|Wikipedia]] || ''Rencana Wikipedia berkenaan {{{scprosename}}}''
| colspan="2" style="padding-left: 50px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;" | '''[[w:{{{Wikipedia}}}|{{{Wikipedia}}}]]'''
| style="vertical-align: middle; height: 35px;" | [[File:Crystal kfind.png|35px|none|Pertimbangan]] || Pertimbangan berkaitan {{{scdisp}}}
| colspan="2" style="padding-left: 50px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;" | '''[[Wikikamus:Berkenaan {{{scdisp}}}]]'''
| style="vertical-align: middle; height: 35px;" | [[File:Book notice.png|35px|none|Maklumat]] || Maklumat {{{scdisp}}}
| colspan="2" style="padding-left: 50px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;" | '''[[Lampiran:{{{sccat}}}]]'''
| style="vertical-align: Middle; height: 35px;" | [[File:Abc box.svg|35px|none|Kod]] || kod {{{scdisp}}}
| colspan="2" style="padding-left: 50px; border-bottom: 1px solid lightgray;" | '''{{{code}}}'''
-- Short description for "root" categories such as [[Category:Arabic script]]. Template substitutions are as described above.
local root_description = "Kategori ini merupakan kategori utama '''{{{scprosename}}}'''."
-- Additional description text for "root" categories such as [[Category:Arabic script]]. Template substitutions are as described above.
local root_additional = [=[Maklumat berkaitan {{{scprosename}}} mungkin wujud di [[Lampiran:{{{sccat}}}]].
Di pelbagai laman Wikikamus, {{{scprosename}}} dilambang dengan [[Wikikamus:Tulisan|kod {{{codesplural}}}]] {{{codes}}}.]=]
-- Replace template notation {{{}}} with variables.
local function substitute_template_refs(text, sc)
local displayForm = sc:getDisplayForm()
local scname = sc:getCanonicalName()
local codes = {}
for code, data in pairs(mw.loadData("Module:scripts/data")) do
if data[1] == scname then
table.insert(codes, "'''" .. code .. "'''")
if codes[2] then
-- Four-letter codes have length 10, because they are bolded: '''Latn'''.
function(code1, code2)
if #code1 == 10 then
if #code2 == 10 then
return code1 < code2
return true
if #code2 == 10 then
return false -- four-letter codes before other codes
return code1 < code2
local content = {
code = sc:getCode(),
codesplural = codes[2] and "" or "",
codes = table.concat(codes, ", "),
scname = scname,
sccat = sc:getCategoryName(),
scdisp = displayForm,
scprosename = (displayForm:find("code") or displayForm:find("semaphore")) and displayForm or "" .. displayForm,
Wikipedia = sc:getWikipediaArticle(),
text = string.gsub(
function (parameter)
return content[parameter] or error("No value for script category parameter '" .. parameter .. "'.")
return text
local function get_root_additional(additional, sc)
local ret = { additional }
local systems = sc:getSystems()
for _, system in ipairs(systems) do
table.insert(ret, "\n\nTulisan {{{scname}}} merupakan ")
if mw.ustring.sub(system:getCanonicalName(), 1, 1) == "suatu " then
table.insert(ret, "suatu ")
table.insert(ret, "suatu ")
local singular = system:getCategoryName()
singular = mw.getContentLanguage():lcfirst(singular)
singular = mw.ustring.gsub(singular, "", "")
singular = mw.ustring.gsub(singular, "", "")
table.insert(ret, singular .. ".")
local blocks = require(blocks_submodule)
if blocks then
table.insert(ret, "\n")
table.insert(ret, blocks)
return substitute_template_refs(table.concat(ret), sc)
local function get_script_obj(script)
local scriptname = script:gsub("^Tulisan ", "")
return require("Module:scripts").getByCanonicalName(scriptname) or
-- [[Category:Undetermined script]] vs. name of script = "undetermined"
local scripts_without_script_in_category = {
-- FIXME, consider checking Semua tulisan for names without 'script' in them.
["Clear Script"] = true,
["Morse code"] = true,
["Flag semaphore"] = true,
-- Handler for 'SCRIPT script' e.g. [[Category:Arabic script]] as well as [[Category:Morse code]] and
-- [[Category:Flag semaphore]].
table.insert(raw_handlers, function(data)
if not data.category:match("^[Tt]ulisan (.+)$") and not scripts_without_script_in_category[data.category] then
return nil
local sc = get_script_obj(data.category)
if not sc then
return nil
-- Compute parents.
local parents = {}
local systems = sc:getSystems()
for _, system in ipairs(systems) do
table.insert(parents, system:getCategoryName())
table.insert(parents, "Semua tulisan")
-- Compute (extra) children.
local children = {}
for script_label, _ in pairs(script_labels) do
table.insert(children, script_label .. " " .. data.category)
return {
topright = substitute_template_refs(root_topright, sc),
description = substitute_template_refs(root_description, sc),
additional = get_root_additional(root_additional, sc),
parents = parents,
breadcrumb = sc:getCanonicalName(),
extra_children = children,
can_be_empty = true,
-- Handler for 'SCRIPT script LABELS' e.g. [[Category:Arabic script templates]] as well as [[Category:Morse code LABELS]] and
-- [[Category:Flag semaphore LABELS]].
table.insert(raw_handlers, function(data)
local script, label
for lab, _ in pairs(script_labels) do
-- FIXME, if we add script labels with a hyphen in them we'll have to escape the hyphen
-- in the following patterns.
script, label = data.category:match("^(" .. lab .. ") tulisan (.+)$")
if script then
-- Check for e.g. 'Morse code characters' or 'Flag semaphore templates'.
script, label = data.category:match("^(" .. lab .. ") (.+)$")
if script then
if scripts_without_script_in_category[script] then
script = nil
if not script then
return nil
local sc = get_script_obj(script)
if not sc then
return nil
local label_obj = script_labels[label]
-- Compute description.
local desc = substitute_template_refs(label_obj.description, sc)
-- Compute parents.
local parents = {
{name = script, sort = label},
-- umbrella category
mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(label) .. " mengikut tulisan",
return {
description = substitute_template_refs(label_obj.description, sc),
parents = parents,
breadcrumb = label,
catfix = label_obj.catfix,
catfix_sc = label_obj.catfix and sc:getCode(),
return {RAW_CATEGORIES = raw_categories, RAW_HANDLERS = raw_handlers}