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- ada
- there is, are, (colloquial) be, be present, have, own.
- adalah: am, is, are.
- adapun: now, it so happens.
- adanya: presence, existence, situation.
- seadanya: whatever there is, as one finds it.
- adab
- culture, refined, proper behaviour.
- beradab: cultured, refined.
- peradaban: civilization, culture.
- adang
- intercept, block, ambush.
- mengadang: hold up, waylay, intercept, mooch.
- pengadang: robber, highwayman, hold-up man.
- pengadangan: ambush.
- adaptasi
- adaptation.
- beradaptasi: adapt, assimilate.
- mengadaptasi: adapt.
- adapun
- as regards, concerning, re.
- adat
- custom, tradition, customary manners.
- beradat: to be customary or traditional, well-mannered.
- adat-istiadat
- various traditional customs.
- adegan
- scene (in a play).
- adem
- cool, calm, cold, tasteless, flat.
- mengadem: cool someone off.
- keademan: felicity, peacefulness.
- pengadem: apparatus for cooling.
- adi
- superior, splendid, highly valued.
- adidaya: superpower.
- adikawasi: force major.
- adikodrati: the supreme power of God.
- adikuasa: superpower.
- adimarga: super or main highway.
- adibusana: haute couture.
- adik
- younger brother or sister or younger cousin; form of address to younger brother or sister and younger people in extended family (especially first cousins); form of address from husband to wife, boyfriend to girlfriend; form of address for service person.
- beradik; memperadik: have younger siblings.
- adil
- just, fair, equitable, legal.
- mengadili: hear, try (a case), administer justice.
- keadilan: justice, justness.
- pengadilan: the court, trial, session, courthouse, jurisdiction.
- adinda
- my dear(est), darling.
- administratif
- administrative, pentadbiran.
- adonan
- dough, batter.
- mengadonani: knead, stir.
- adpokat
- avocado.
- an acronym of or for "Angkatan Darat Republik Indonesia", the Indonesian army.
- adu
- compete; complain.
- beradu: to compete, to confront or collide with something.
- mengadu: to put something up for competition or confrontation, bump, hit against something; to complain about, take legal action.
- peraduan: contest, competition, confrontation.
- pengadu: an informer or complainant.
- pengaduan: accusation, indictment.
- aduh
- ouch! ow! (expression of pain), oh my! (expression of disappointed surprise).
- mengaduh: lament, moan, groan.
- teraduh-aduh: repeatedly moaning.
- pengaduh: chronic complainer, grouch.
- aduk
- mix, stir.
- adun
- finery, fallals, elegance.
- beradun: dress up, put on one's best things.
- mengadunkan: to dress up, to titivate someone.
- adzan
- (Islam) call to prayer.