Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Am
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- amal
- deed, work, good deed, charity.
- mengamalbaktikan: put to charitable use.
- beramal: be charitable, generous, pray silently.
- mengamalkan: put into practice, apply, do something regularly, carry out with devotion.
- amalan: good deeds, good works, regulations.
- aman
- peaceful, calm, safe, secure.
- mengamankan: pacify, render safe, place in protective custody, hold in custody.
- keamanan: safety, security, peacefulness, tranquillity.
- pengaman: safe-guard, pacifier, peacemaker, conciliator.
- pengamanan: the security.
- amanah
- the message.
- beramanah: instruct, issue an order.
- mengamanahi: deliver a speech, give advice.
- mengamanahkan: entrust, commit, instruct, order, delicate, set aside.
- amanat
- the message.
- beramanat: instruct, issue an order.
- mengamanati: deliver a speech, give advice.
- mengamanatkan: entrust, commit, instruct, order, delicate, set aside.
- amarah
- anger.
- amat
- very, exceedingly; watch closely.
- mengamat-amati: watch closely, keep track of, inspect, monitor.
- pengamat: observer.
- pengamatan: observation, supervision, monitoring.
- ambang
- threshold, sill; float.
- mengambangkan: float something.
- pengambangan: floating (of currency).
- ambil
- take.
- berambil-ambilan: give and take.
- mengambili: keep taking.
- mengambilkan: get or fetch for someone.
- ambilan: the take, the receipts.
- pengambil: taker.
- pengambilan: removal, withdrawal, the taking of, making of (a decision), interpretation.
- ambisi
- ambition, cita-cita.
- berambisi, bercita-cita.
- amboi
- hey! als!
- Ambon
- capital city of the Province of Maluku (Moluccas), in Indonesia.
- ambruk
- collapse, fall down.
- ambulans
- ambulance.
- Amerika Serikat
- United States, Amerika Syarikat.
- ampas
- waste, dregs, what is left after the essence has been taken.
- ampek
- have difficulty breathing, asthma.
- Ampera
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Amanat Penderitaan Rakyat", or the Messages of the People's Suffering.
- ampera
- inexpensive.
- ampiran
- (Javanese) stopping-off place.
- amplas
- fig tree, sandpaper.
- mengamplas; mengamplasi: scour, sandpaper.
- amplop
- envelope.
- beramplop: within an envelope.
- ampu
- support.
- mengampu: support, prop up.
- mengampukan: rule, reign over.
- pengampu: support, means of support.
- pengampuan: guardianship.
- ampuh
- endowed with magical power, potent, effective (of medicine); flood, overflow, inundation.
- keampuhan: magical power, potency; flooded, inundated.
- mengampuh; mengampuhkan: flood, inundate.
- ampun
- mercy.
- mengampuni: forgive.
- amput
- (Javanese, vulgar) have sexual intercourse.
- mengamput: have sexual intercourse.
- amputan: female genitalia, mistress.
- amputasi
- amputation.
- mengamputasi: amputate.
- amril
- sandpaper, emery board or paper.
- mengamril: sand, file.
- amuk
- amok or amuck, berserk, fury.
- beramuk; mengamuk: go berserk, run amuck, rage violently.
- mengamukkan: (literature) incite to violence, provoke.
- amukan: fight, uncontrolled raging.
- pengamuk: one who runs amuck.
- pengamukan: running amuck, fury, raging.
- peramukan: fury, conflict.