Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Bi
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- biadab
- ill-mannered, impolite, uncouth, uncivilized, barbaric, savage, uneducated, uncultured.
- kebiadaban: impertinence, rudeness, insolence, brutishness.
- biak
- fertile, prolific, fruitful; wet, damp; cud.
- berbiak: multiply, flourish, breed.
- membiak: flourish, multiply, grow.
- membiakkan: cultivate, breed, rear.
- biakan: something cultivated.
- pembiakan: breeding, rearing, cultivation.
- membiaki: wet, damped.
- biar
- let, permit, so that, although.
- biarlah: this will do, all right.
- biarpun: although.
- membiarkan: let, permit, allow, neglect, let go, leave someone alone.
- biara
- monastery, abbey, friary, convent, nunnery.
- membiara: become a member of a cloistered community.
- bias
- reflection, extension fragment.
- biasa
- usual, customary, used to, accustomed to, ordinary, commonplace.
- biasanya: usually, customarily.
- membiasakan: make someone accustomed, make something usual.
- terbiasa: habitual, to have become accustomed to.
- kebiasaan: habit, custom.
- biawak
- monitor lizard.
- biaya
- expense, fee, cost.
- membiayai: finance, fund.
- membiayakan: spend, pay out, disburse.
- pembiaya: financier.
- pembiayaan: funding, financing.
- bibir
- lip.
- bibit
- seed, seedling (i.e. of a plant), cause, origin, germ, bacteria, novice, fledgeling, biji.
- pembibitan: seedling.
- bibliograf
- bibliographer.
- bicara
- to speak.
- berbicara: to speak.
- membicarakan: to talk about something or someone.
- pembicaraan: discussion.
- bicokok
- small crocodile.
- bicu
- jack for raising weights.
- bidadara
- male sprite.
- bidadari
- celestial nymph, fairy.
- bidah
- heresy.
- bidai
- bamboo or rattan screen, basket work, splint base (baseball).
- berbidai; berbidai-bidai: be placed in splints.
- membidai: place in splints.
- bidak
- pawn (in chess).
- bidal
- proverb, maxim thimble.
- bidan
- midwife.
- membidani: act as a midwife to someone.
- bidang
- area, field, classifier for broad objects.
- membidangi: excel or specialize in a certain field of work or study.
- bidangan: sector, plot.
- bidara
- jujube or date tree.
- bidari
- base (baseball).
- bidas
- penetrate, spring back, fly from, attack verbally.
- membidas: penetrate, pierce, spring back, fly back (when released), fly from, shoot away, attack verbally.
- bidik
- aim.
- membidik: to take aim.
- membidikkan: to aim something.
- pembidik: sight (of a gun, et cetera).
- biduk
- small fishing boat, boats used as floating market.
- bijak
- able, smart, experienced, wise, witty, articulate.
- kebijakan: wisdom, policy.
- bijaksana
- wise, prudent.
- berbijaksana: to be wise or prudent.
- kebijaksanaan: wisdom.
- biji
- seed, kernel, classifier for small seed-like objects.
- bikin
- make, cause.
- membikin: make, build.
- terbikin: made from.
- bikinan: product.
- pembikin: maker, builder.
- bila
- when, if.
- bilah
- classifier for long flat objects such as planks, or things shaped like knives or swords.
- bilal
- (Islam) a muezzin (the person who performs the call to prayer).
- bilang
- (colloquial) say, tell.
- membilang: to count.
- membilangkan: say, tell something.
- bilangan: number.
- bilik
- room, compartment.
- Bimas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Bimbingan Massal", meaning the guidance for the masses.
- bimbang
- worried, anxious, hesitate.
- membimbangkan: cause hesitation, anxiety.
- kebimbangan: worry, hesitation, uncertainty.
- bimbing
- lead.
- berbimbing: find guidance, hold hands, cooperate.
- membimbing: lead, conduct, introduce.
- bimbingan: leadership, guidance.
- pembimbing: guide, leader, advisor.
- pembimbingan: leadership.
- bina
- building, construction.
- membina: build, construct, develop, cultivate.
- terbina: cultivated.
- pembina: builder, cultivator, highest rank in the civil service.
- pembinaan: founding, establishment.
- binasa
- destroyed, wiped out.
- membinasakan: annihilate.
- kebinasaan: death, demise.
- pembinasa: annihilator.
- pembinasaan: total destruction.
- binatang
- animal.
- membinatangkan: degrade, debase.
- kebinatangan: bestiality, brutality.
- bincang
- converse, discuss.
- berbincang-bincang: to converse, discuss.
- bingka
- a kind of sweet cake made of rice flour.
- bingkis
- send gift.
- membingkiskan: send gift.
- bingkisan: gift, present, souvenir, parcel, package.
- bingung
- confused, disoriented.
- membingungkan: to confuse, bewilder.
- kebingungan: suffering from disorientation, confusion, bewilderment.
- bini
- (derogatory) wife.
- bintang
- star, medal, decoration.
- berbintang: starry, lucky, shine through.
- membintangi: star in (movie).
- bintangan: constellation.
- perbintangan: astronomy, astrology, horoscope.
- bintik
- dot, speck.
- biola
- violin.
- bioskop
- movie theater.
- bir
- beer.
- biro
- bureau, office.
- birokrasi
- bureaucracy.
- biru
- blue.
- kebiru-biruan: bluish.
- bis
- bus.
- bisa
- usually, be able, can, could, poison, venom, biasa.
- sebisanya: where possible, to the fullest extent.
- bisik
- whisper.
- berbisik: whisper, speak confidentially.
- membisikkan: whisper, suggest, imply.
- bising
- noise, rustle, rustling, buzzling, stupefied, with singing ears, din, uproar, bustle, noisy.
- membisingkan: (ear-)deafening, make one's ears sing.
- kebisingan: noise, uproar.
- bismillah
- (Islam) the first short Arabic words of or for "bismillah(i) 'rahmani'rrahim", meaning in the name of Allah (God), the Merciful, the Charitable.
- bisu
- mute, dumb.
- membisu: to be dumb, speechless, silent, to act as a mute.
- bisul
- carbuncle, ulcer, pimple.
- bita
- byte, bait.
- bius
- unconscious, in a swoon, stunned, intoxicated, drugged, stupefied.
- membius; membiusi: to anaesthetize, to shoot, to tranquillize.
- pembiusan: anaesthetization, anaesthetic.
- membiuskan: to drug, to anaesthetize.
- biut
- obstinate (disease).
- bivak
- hut, bivouac.