Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Bo
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- bobot
- heavy, weight, heaviness, integrity, quality (of literature, persons, et cetera).
- memboboti: add weight to something.
- bocor
- leak, be leaky, urinate, suffer from diarrhoea, bleed.
- membocorkan: divulge, leak (a secret), cause leak, puncture.
- kebocoran: damage by leakage, leakage, divulgence, puncture.
- bocoran: leak, leakage.
- pembocor: one who reveals secrets.
- pembocoran: leaking or divulging (secrets, et cetera).
- bodoh
- stupid, dumb, dull-witted.
- membodohkan: to keep ignorant, dupe.
- kebodohan: stupidity, ignorance, error.
- membodoh: to act stupid.
- Bogor
- a city in West Java.
- bohong
- lie, falsehood.
- berbohong; membohong: to tell a lie.
- membohongi: to lie to someone, to deceive someone.
- kebohongan: lie, falsehood.
- pembohong: liar.
- bola
- ball, spherical object.
- bolak-balik
- back and forth, to and fro, round-trip.
- boleh
- be permitted, may.
- bolehlah: all right, alright.
- membolehkan; memperbolehkan: permit, allow.
- bolos
- to play truant, desert.
- bolpoin
- a ballpoint pen, a pen.
- bom
- bomb.
- bon
- cheque, bill, voucher.
- ngebon; mengebon: put on a monthly account, pay with an "IOU" (I owe you), buy something and pay later.
- boneka
- doll.
- bongkah
- numeral classifier for clumps, lumps, et cetera.
- bongkahan: chunk, hunk.
- bongkar
- take apart.
- membongkar: force open, break in, demolish, dismantle, disclose (a secret).
- membongkari: take apart.
- bongkaran: unloaded goods.
- pembongkar: one who breaks open.
- pembongkaran: disclosure.
- bongkok
- crooked, bent (over), humped.
- membongkok: stoop or bend (over).
- membongkok-bongkok: bow respectfully, lower or demean oneself, bend (the back).
- membongkoki: stoop in direction of something.
- membongkokkan: bend (the back).
- terbongkok-bongkok: bend (from age, et cetera).
- bongkok-bongkokan: repeatedly bowing or bending.
- bongkol
- knob, hump, head (of lettuce).
- berbongkol: having a hump.
- bongkot
- tree trunk, tree stump, base of plant stem, base.
- bongkotan: with a stump.
- bongsor
- oversized, overweight, big, tall.
- bonjol
- lump, projection, protrude.
- bontot
- (Java) rice wrapped in leaves to eat away from home; (Java) youngest (child).
- membontot: bring food on trip.
- bontotan: something wrapped (in cloth, et cetera) for carrying, (cloth) bundle, food for journey.
- borgol
- handcuffs.
- memborgol: to handcuff.
- pemborgolan: handcuffing.
- borhan
- proof.
- borjuasi
- bourgeoisie.
- borjuis
- bourgeois.
- borjuis-borjuisan: similar to or related to bourgeoisie.
- boro-boro
- (Jakarta) do not expect even that much.
- borok
- ulcer, boil, sore, ulcerous, mangy, itchy, bad, rotten.
- berborok; memborok: fester, be ulcerous.
- pemborokan: festering.
- borong
- buy up the whole stock.
- boros
- wasteful, lavish, extravagant.
- memboros: be wasteful.
- memboroskan: waste, squander.
- keborosan: wastefulness.
- pemboros: squanderer.
- boru
- a Batak kinship term or a child of a clan.
- bosan
- bored.
- membosankan: boring, tedious, to bore someone.
- kebosanan: boredom, tediousness.
- pembosan: one who becomes easily bored.
- bot
- boot.
- botol
- bottle.
- boyong
- a move from one place to another.
- berboyong: move, shift, change, remove, emigrate, settle.
- mboyong; memboyong: move, shift, capture, take away something.
- memboyongkan: move something.
- boyongan: moving, removal.
- pemboyongan: emigration, settlement, colonization, removal, shifting.