Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ci
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- cibir
- cause to curl one's lips in scorn.
- mencibir: scorn, look down on someone.
- mencibirkan: sneered, mock, ridicule.
- cicak
- a small house lizard.
- cicil
- pay in installments.
- cicilan: installment.
- penycicilan: paying in installments.
- cicip
- taste, sip at, eat, sound of birds, chicks, et cetera (twitter, chirp).
- mencicip: taste (during the preparation of food), sip at, eat.
- mencicipi: taste (repeatedly).
- cicipan: sample for tasting.
- pencicip: taster.
- ciduk
- arrest.
- menciduk: (colloquial) arrest.
- cidukan: detention.
- cikal
- (Javanese) young coconut.
- cilik
- little, small, young.
- cilok
- steal.
- mencilok: steal, pilfer, pickpockets.
- pencilok: thief, pickpocket.
- Cina
- China, Chinese, negara China, orang Cina.
- pecinan; pecinaan: Chinese quarter.
- cincang
- hack, chop, mince.
- bercincang: be chopped into bits.
- mencincang: chop up, cut into small pieces.
- cincangan: something minced, something chopped up.
- cincin
- ring (on one's finger), washer (for bolts, screws, et cetera).
- cinta
- love, affection.
- bercinta: to be in love, fall in love.
- bercinta-cintaan: to be in love with everyone.
- mencintai: to love someone.
- kecintaan: love.
- pencinta: lover.
- percintaan: love, romance, affair.
- ciprat
- splash.
- bercipratan: spray.
- menciprat: spray, splash.
- menciprati: spray on repeatedly.
- kecipratan: sprayed, be splashed, get a share.
- cipta
- creativity, thought, idea.
- mengciptakan: to create or produce something.
- meciptakan; menciptakan: to create something, produce something.
- tercipta: produced, created.
- ciptaan: a creation.
- pencipta: creator.
- ciri
- feature, characteristic.
- cirit
- diarrhoea.
- cita
- feeling, sentiment.
- cita-cita: desire, hope, aspiration.
- bercita-cita: to long for, desire something.
- Citra
- a name of the annual film festival awards.
- citra
- image.
- cium
- to smell or kiss.
- bercium-ciuman: to kiss each other.
- mencium: to kiss someone, to smell something.
- menciumi: to repeatedly kiss or smell.
- ciuman: a kiss or a sniff.
- penciuman: sense of smell, act of smelling or kissing.
- ciut
- shrunken, shrivelled; squeaking sound.
- keciutan: narrowness, contraction.
- penciutan: shrinkage, attrition.
- berciut-ciut; menciut-ciut: make a squeaking sound.