Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/De
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- debar
- sensation of pulse beat.
- berdebar: throb, beat, pulsate.
- berdebar-debaran: pound, beat, rapidly.
- mendebarkan: make the heart beat rapidly.
- debaran: pulse.
- perdebaran: pulsating, palpitating.
- debat
- debate.
- debu
- dust.
- berdebu: dusty.
- decak
- a clicking sound, usually as made with or by the tongue to express surprise or astonishment.
- berdecak: to make such a clicking sound.
- dedak
- mixture of rice and bran, by-product of milling used as animal feed.
- degung
- sound of gong, (Sundanese) gamelan.
- degup
- sound of gulp.
- berdegup; mendegup-degup: make a gulping sound, beat, pound.
- mendegupkan: exciting, cause to beat.
- degur
- sound of surf.
- berdegur: make the sound of surf.
- deham
- clearing of throat.
- berdeham; mendeham: cough slightly, clear throat (often to signal one's presence).
- mendehami: hint, give someone a signal by clearing the throat.
- dehem
- (sila lihat deham di halaman ini.)
- dehidrasi
- dehydration.
- mendehidrasi: dehydrate.
- dekam
- be in crouching position (of cat, et cetera).
- mendekam; berdekam: be in crouching position (of cat, et cetera), be cooped up, be incarcerated.
- dekan
- bamboo rat; (academy) dean.
- mendekani: be the dean of a certain faculty.
- dekap
- near; noise of a heartbeat.
- mendekap: to embrace, hug; be near, be situated.
- memperdekapkan: bring near, reconcile.
- berdekap: beat (of heart).
- dekar
- fight with a sword.
- mendekar: to fight with a sword.
- pendekar: swordmaster, champion.
- dekat
- near, close by.
- mendekat: draw near to, approach.
- berdekatan: be adjacent.
- mendekati: approach something or someone.
- mendekatkan: bring something close to something else.
- dekih
- sound of a chuckle.
- mendekih-dekih; terdekih-dekih: chuckle, chortle.
- dekik
- small indentation, dimple (on the cheeks).
- dekil
- caked with dirt, clumsy.
- deklamasi
- formal stylized recitation of poetry.
- berdeklamasi: engage in formalized poetry recitation.
- mendeklamasikan: recite literature in a formal style.
- pendeklamasian: act of declaiming.
- deklarasi
- declaration.
- dekorasi
- decoration.
- dekus
- hissing or snorting sound.
- delapan
- eight.
- delegasi
- delegation.
- deligir
- delegate.
- mendeligir: delegate (power).
- delik
- wide-open (of eyes), offense.
- mendelik: glare at.
- mendeliki: glare at.
- delima
- pomegranate.
- delman
- horse drawn vehicle.
- demam
- fever.
- berdemam: to have a fever.
- deman
- like, be fond of, prefer.
- dembun
- sound of heavy object falling with a thud, bang.
- demi
- for the sake of, by (in oaths); (immediately) after, by (one by one, two by two, et cetera), as soon as.
- demikian
- such, thus, such was the case.
- sedemikian: of this sort, of that sort.
- demisioner
- ask for resignation of a cabinet, strip (of authority, power).
- mendemisionerkan: (politics) ask for the resignation of a cabinet, strip (of authority, power).
- pendemisioneran: dissolution of cabinet, stripping of authority.
- demokrasi
- democracy.
- demonstrasi
- demonstration.
- dempul
- glazier's putty, boat caulking.
- mendempul: apply putty or caulking.
- denah
- sketch, blueprint, ground plan.
- denda
- a punitive fine.
- mendenda: to levy a fine on someone.
- dendam
- revenge, vengence, grudge.
- kedendaman: resentment.
- pendendam: a vengeful person, someone bearing a grudge.
- dendeng
- a jerked meat.
- dengan
- with, accompanying, and, by, by means of, by way of, in the manner of.
- dengar
- hear.
- mendengar: hear.
- mendengarkan: listen to.
- memperdengarkan: let something be heard or listened to.
- terdengar: heard, audible.
- kedengaran: can be heard, sounds, seems, strikes one as.
- pendengar: listeners, hearers.
- pendengaran: sense of hearing.
- denger
- (sila lihat dengar di halaman ini.)
- dengki
- envy, spite.
- berdengki: to be full of hatred and envy.
- mendengki: envy, be jealous of someone.
- kedengkian: spite, spitefulness, jealousy.
- pendengki: one who is spiteful.
- dengkul
- (Java, Jakarta) knee.
- modal dengkul: with only one's own strong back (or knee) to rely on.
- dengkur
- snore, snoring, grunt, purr.
- mendengkur: snore, grunt, purr.
- dengkuran: snore.
- pendengkur: snorer.
- dengus
- snort (of animals).
- Denpasar
- the capital city of the Province of Bali in Indonesia.
- denyut
- throb, beat, pulse.
- berdenyut: beat, throb (of heart, pulse).
- mendenyut: beat, throb.
- denyutan: beat, throb (heart beat).
- depan
- front, in front, ahead, next.
- berdepan-depan: face-to-face.
- berdepanan: face each other.
- mengedepankan: put in the front, put forward, propose.
- terdepan: foremost, front (seat, et cetera), in the lead (in contests, et cetera).
- Deparlu
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Luar Negeri", or the Department of Foreign Affairs.
- departemen
- department.
- Depdagri
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Dalam Negeri", or the Department of Internal Affairs.
- Deperdag
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Perdagangan", or the Department of Commerce.
- Depertan
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Pertanian", or the Department of Agriculture.
- Depkeh
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Kehakiman", or the Department of Justice.
- Depkes
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Kesehatan", or the Department of Health.
- Depkeu
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Keuangan", or the Department of Finance.
- Depnaker
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Tenaga Kerja", or the Department of Labour.
- depok
- reside.
- mendepok: reside.
- pendepokan: camp, dormitory.
- padepokan: residence.
- deposito
- (finance) fixed deposit, savings.
- mendepositokan: put one's money in a time certificate or fixed deposit.
- Deptan
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Departemen Kehutanan", or the Department of Forestry.
- deputi
- deputy.
- derai
- sound of heavy rainfall.
- derajat
- degree (as of temperature).
- derak
- snapping sound.
- deram
- rumbling, roaring sound.
- derang
- clanging, jingling sound.
- derap
- stamping, clopping sound (as of horse hoof beats, sound of one's boots when running).
- deras
- swift.
- berderas: rush (of water).
- menderas: become heavier (rain, et cetera), flow rapidly, energetically.
- penderas: accelerator.
- deret
- row, series, line, (mathematical) progression.
- sederet: in line with, one line of something.
- berderet: be in rows or lines.
- menderetkan; memperderetkan: line someone up.
- deretan: row, line.
- derhaka
- (sila lihat: durhaka.)
- derita
- suffering.
- menderita: suffer (a hardship).
- penderitaan: suffering, hardship.
- derma
- donation, alms.
- mendermakan: donate something.
- penderma: donor.
- pendermaan: act of donation.
- dermaga
- quay, pier.
- dermawan
- a donor, a philanthropist.
- deru
- roaring, thundering sound.
- menderu: to make a roaring, thundering sound.
- desa
- village.
- desah
- huffing, wheezing, swishing (sound).
- desak
- crowd, jostle.
- berdesak-desak: crowd, jostle.
- mendesak: push, shove, urge, insist.
- mendesakkan: force something onto someone.
- desakan: push, shove.
- desar
- to rustle, to sizzle.
- desas-desus
- rumour, whispering.
- desau
- soft rustling (sound).
- berdesau; mendesau: make a soft rustling sound.
- Desember
- December, Disember.
- desentralisasi
- decentralization, pengagihan (kuasa pusat), pemencaran.
- desis
- hissing, sizzling sound.
- berdesis: make a hissing sound.
- mendesis: hiss, sizzle.
- detak
- beat, throb, thud.
- detar
- the clatter of footsteps on a wooden floor.
- deteksi
- detection, discovery.
- detektif
- detective.
- detel
- detail.
- mendetel: going into detail.
- detik
- sound of ticking (of clock), second (measurement of time).
- sedetik: a moment, momentary.
- devisa
- foreign exchange, pertukaran asing.
- dewa
- god, idol.
- medewakan; mendewakan: deify, idolize.
- memperdewa; memperdewakan: deify, idolize.
- kedewaan: divine powers.
- pendewa: idolater, admirer.
- pendewaan; perdewaan: deification, idolization.
- dewan
- council, board.
- dewasa
- adult, of age.
- mendewasakan: to mature something.
- pendewasaan: maturation, time, era.
- dewata
- god.
- dewi
- goddess, darling, beloved.