Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ha
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- ha
- (expression) "ha!" or "huh!", hectare (a measure of land area).
- Habiburrahman
- (Arabic) God, meaning "the Merciful, Loving One".
- habis
- finished, used up, completed, concluded, completely.
- sehabis-habisnya: to the utmost.
- menghabiskan: finish something, spend (time), use up, consume, finish off.
- kehabisan: run out of, have no more left.
- penghabisan: end, conclusion.
- menghabisi: to eliminate, to finish off.
- hablur
- crystal.
- menghablur: crystallise.
- penghabluran: crystallization.
- had
- boundary, limit.
- berhad: limited, having boundary or limit.
- menghadkan: limit, border, restrict.
- terhad: limited.
- hadang
- (sila lihat: adang.)
- hadap
- across, side, facing in a certain direction.
- berhadapan: face, front on, be faced with, face to face.
- menghadap: face, look out, make a formal appearance before someone.
- menghadapi: face, be up against (difficulties).
- terhadap: about, concerning, to, toward.
- hadapan: front, future, presence.
- perhadapan: confrontation.
- hadapan
- in front, in the face of something.
- hadas
- ritual impurity.
- hadiah
- gift, present.
- hadir
- be present.
- menghadiri: attend, be present at.
- kehadiran: presence, attendance.
- dihadiri: attended by.
- hadirat
- (religion) presence (of God), respected members of an audience.
- hadirin
- those present, audience.
- hadrat
- religious gathering presence.
- hafal
- to know by heart, memorize to know something very well.
- menghafal; menghafalkan: memorize, learn by heart.
- hafalan: material to be memorized.
- hai
- (expression) "hey!" (used to get someone's attention), "what!" (showing surprise).
- haid
- menstruation.
- haisom
- kind of dish made from cucumber.
- haiyaa
- (Chinese) "greetings!", exclamation of disapproval.
- haj
- pilgrimage to Mecca.
- hajar
- beat up.
- menghajar: beat up, thrash soundly.
- hajaran: beating.
- hajat
- wish, desire, intention, (euphemism) urination or defecation.
- berhajat: intend.
- menghajati: desire, wish for something, hold a party or feast for someone.
- menghajatkan: intend something, want, desire something, require something.
- haji
- title for a person who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca.
- hajjah
- female pilgrim to Mecca.
- hak
- one's right, rightful authority.
- berhak: have the right (to).
- menghakkan: give the right to someone.
- menghaki: have the right over something.
- hak asasi: basic rights.
- hak cipta: copyright.
- hak milik: property rights.
- hak asasi manusia
- human rights.
- hakekat
- truth, reality essence.
- hakiki
- true, real.
- hakim
- judge.
- menghakimi: pass judgement on something.
- kehakiman: judicial affairs.
- hal
- matter, thing, case, concerning.
- hala
- direction.
- sehala: one direction.
- kesehalaan: state of being of one attitude.
- berhala: in the direction of.
- menghalakan: direct, guide, steer aim at.
- halai-balai
- ignored, neglected in confusion.
- menghalai-balaikan: neglect, disregard, confuse, muddle, foul up.
- halal
- allowed, permitted rightful according to Islamic Law, legal.
- menghalalkan: allow, permit, authorize.
- halaman
- yard (of a house), page (of a book).
- halang
- be hindered, handicapped.
- berhalangan: be hindered, handicapped.
- menghalangi: block someone's way, obstruct.
- halangan: hindrance, obstacle.
- halau
- expel someone.
- menghalau; menghalaukan: chase away, drive away, drive, herd.
- penghalau: driver, herder, drover.
- penghalauan: driving, chasing, expelling, herding.
- halia
- ginger.
- halilintar
- lightning, thunderbolt.
- Halim
- the old airport serving Jakarta.
- halimbubu
- whirlwind.
- halimun
- mist, fog.
- halkum
- Adam's apple.
- halsduk
- neck scarf.
- halte
- stopping place for public vehicles.
- halter
- dumbbell, barbell.
- haluan
- bow, prow, direction, foremost section.
- sehaluan: of the same course.
- berhaluan: follow a course.
- menghaluankan: direct or orient someone.
- halus
- refined, cultured, soft, delicate, smooth.
- menghaluskan; memperhalus: refine, touch up something, reduce to fine particles, make less blunt or crude (applied to bad news, rude language, et cetera).
- kehalusan: refinement, gentleness, daintiness, softness.
- halusinasi
- hallucination.
- halwa
- fruits preserved in sugar.
- hama
- plant disease, pest, infection.
- menghamakan: contaminate.
- terhama: blighted, contaminated.
- hamba
- slave, servant, (literature) I, especially when talking to someone of high rank, often in formal prayers.
- berhamba: be a servant, have a servant.
- menghamba: serve.
- menghambai: serve someone or something, equip someone with slaves.
- menghambakan: treat as a servant, domineer.
- memperhambai: serve, wait upon.
- memperhambakan: make someone a slave.
- kehambaan: servitude, humbly.
- perhambaan: slavery.
- hambalang
- a great deal of violence.
- hambar
- tasteless, flat, vapid, trite.
- menghambarkan: render tasteless or insipid, disappoint, nullify, cancel.
- kehambaran: vapidness, insipidness.
- hambat
- checked, blocked.
- menghambat: impede, hamper, obstruct.
- hambatan: obstacle, obstruction, barrier, fence.
- penghambat: someone or something that obstructs something.
- hambur
- scattered about.
- berhamburan: scattered about, flow, trickle (of tears).
- menghambur: be dispersed or diffused, scatter, rush, move suddenly.
- menghamburkan: scatter something, spread something about, throw, cast (a net).
- terhambur: scattered all about.
- hamil
- pregnant.
- menghamili: to make pregnant.
- kehamilan: pregnancy.
- hampa
- empty, without result.
- menghampakan: empty something, disappoint.
- kehampaan: emptiness, vacuum, disappointment.
- penghampaan: emptying.
- hampar
- be spread out.
- berhamparan: be spread out.
- menghampar: be spread out evenly.
- menghampari: spread something on something.
- menghamparkan: spread (rug, et cetera), explain.
- terhampar: spread out evenly.
- hamparan: rug, carpet, spread out area.
- hampir
- near, close, almost.
- menghampiri: approach, go close to.
- hamud
- acid.
- hamun
- rail at.
- berhamun: rail at, be abusive.
- menghamuni: abuse someone, revile someone curse.
- hana
- wide and uninhabited, empty, deserted.
- hancing
- stench, foul odour.
- hancur
- destroyed, shattered, dissolved.
- menghancurkan: smash, shatter.
- hancuran: debris, solution.
- kehancuran: destruction.
- penghancur: destroying force.
- penghancuran: annihilation, disintegration.
- handai
- friend, companion.
- berhandai: engage in friendly exchange, be on intimate terms with everyone.
- handal
- (sila lihat: andal.)
- handuk
- towel.
- hang
- male title.
- hangat
- warm.
- menghangat: become hot.
- menghangati: warm up (food, et cetera), incite.
- menghangatkan: warm up (food, et cetera), heat something.
- kehangatan: heat, warmth, tenseness, eagerness.
- hangatan: warming up.
- penghangat: warmer.
- hangus
- burnt, scorched, singed completely, used up.
- menghanguskan: roast until burnt, burn, singe, scorch.
- kehangusan: state of being charred.
- hanjut
- hit.
- menghanjut: hit someone, crush someone.
- Hankam
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Pertahanan dan Keamanan", or the (Ministry of) Defense, Peace, and Security.
- hankamnas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Pertahanan Keamanan Nasional", or the National Defense, Peace, and Security Board.
- Hansip
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Pertahanan Sipil", or the Civil Defense Units, often acting as patrolling police in the neighbourhood.
- hansop
- child’s play and sleepwear with short sleeves and legs.
- hantam
- strike, fight.
- berhantam: fight, scuffle, collide, infringe on.
- menghantam: strike hard, pound, pummel, attack vigorously, (colloquial) go at.
- menghantami: pound, strike repeatedly.
- menghantamkan: strike with something, strike something.
- hantaman: blow, smack, punch.
- hantir
- wield, manage, handle.
- menghantir: wield, manage, handle.
- hantu
- ghost, evil spirit; a name of bird known as an owl.
- berhantu: be possessed by a spirit, haunted.
- menghantu: become a ghost.
- menghantui: frighten, haunt, obsess.
- Hanuman
- (literature) the white monkey, sacred hero of the Ramayana.
- hanya
- only.
- hanyut
- washed away, drift.
- menghanyutkan: sweep away.
- hapal
- (sila lihat hafal di halaman ini.)
- hapus
- erase, wipe out completely.
- menghapuskan: eliminate something, nullify (a contract).
- terhapus: vanished, disappeared.
- harab
- war.
- harakiri
- (Japanese) suicide.
- berharakiri: commit suicide.
- haram
- (Islam) forbidden.
- mengharamkan: forbid, prohibit.
- anak haram: illicit child.
- tanah haram: Mecca, forbidden to unbelievers.
- haramjadah
- illegitimate (child).
- harangaso
- kind of tuber.
- harap
- hope, please (when asking someone to do something).
- berharap: to hope, to expect.
- mengharap; mengharapkan: wish for something, expect something.
- harapan: a hope, a desire.
- hardik
- say something sharply, snarl.
- menghardik: snap at, scold, dress down, rebuke.
- hardikan: rebuke, scolding, harsh words.
- harfiah
- literal, word for word.
- harga
- price, cost.
- berharga: to have value.
- menghargai: to value something.
- penghargaan: evaluation, appreciation.
- hari
- day.
- sehari-hari: every day.
- sehari-harian: all day long.
- harian: daily (newspaper, et cetera).
- haribaan
- lap.
- harim
- wife, female members of a family, especially among those of Arabic descent or educational background.
- harimau
- tiger.
- harimau bintang
- leopard.
- harini
- today.
- harkah
- level, standard rate, value dignity.
- pengharkahan: rating.
- harlah
- anniversary, birthday.
- harmonis
- harmonious, harmonic.
- mengharmoniskan: harmonize, reconcile.
- keharmonisan: harmony.
- harpa
- harp.
- harpis
- harpist.
- harpus
- resin used by violinists.
- hart
- heart (cardiology).
- harta
- possessions, property.
- hartawan
- wealthy person, person of means.
- haru
- commotion, uproar.
- mengharu: confuse.
- mengharukan: touch one's emotions.
- terharu: touched, moved, affected.
- keharuan: emotional.
- pengharu: agitator, rioter.
- pengharuan: confusion.
- harum
- fragrant, fragrance.
- mengharum: be fragrant.
- mengharumi: perfume, scent something with, put fragrance in something.
- mengharumkan: aromatize.
- keharuman: fragrance, fame.
- haruman: perfume.
- harus
- must.
- seharusnya: should, ought to.
- has
- fillet, tenderloin; gauze, fine screening.
- hasad
- envy, spite.
- hasan
- good, beautiful, handsome.
- hasil
- yield, crop, product, result, outcome.
- berhasil: succeed, be productive.
- menghasilkan: produce (something).
- keberhasilan: success.
- penghasilan: production, yield, income, earnings.
- hasrat
- longing, desire, propensity.
- hasta
- cubit.
- menghasta: measure in cubits.
- hastakarya
- handicrafts.
- hasut
- incite, goad, stir up.
- hasutan: instigation.
- penghasut: agitator.
- penghasutan: instigating, provoking.
- hasyiah
- edge, border, marginal annotation.
- hasyis
- hashish.
- hati
- liver, the figurative seat of the emotions.
- hati-hati: be careful.
- berhati: to have a heart (figuratively).
- memperhatikan: pay attention to.
- perhatian: attention.
- rendah hati: modest.
- hatinurani
- conscience, heart of hearts.
- hatta
- then, thereupon.
- haus
- thirsty.
- kehausan: thirst.
- havermut
- oatmeal.
- Hawa
- (Bible) Eve.
- hawa
- air, climate, weather.
- menghawa: evaporate.
- hawar
- blight.
- hayat
- life.
- menghayati: experience to the full, fully understand, inspire.