Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/He
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- hebat
- to a great degree, great, or dreadful.
- heboh
- fuss, commotion.
- menghebohi; menghebohkan: cause a commotion.
- hegemoni
- hegemony.
- hek
- fence.
- hela
- drag, haul, pull.
- menghela: drag, haul, pull (carriage, et cetera).
- helah
- trick, ruse, excuse, pretext.
- berhelah: to use a trick, to use as an excuse.
- menghelah: fool, trick someone.
- penghelahan: making a pretext.
- helai
- counter used for sheet-like objects.
- helat
- celebration, party.
- heleng
- turn, look.
- mengheleng: turn, look.
- menghelengkan: turn something.
- helicak
- three-wheeled, motorized pedicab.
- hello
- hi or hello.
- hem
- shirt.
- hemat
- thrifty, opinion, judgement, observation.
- hembalang
- tumble.
- berhembalang: tumble head over heels.
- menghembalang; menghembalangkan: hurl.
- terhembalang: to be hurled head over heels.
- hembus
- (sila lihat: embus.)
- hemong
- (slang) male homosexual.
- hempang
- pond, embankment, dam.
- menghempangkan: to block.
- hempas
- be tossed, dashed against.
- menghempaskan: throw, fling, slam.
- hendak
- wish (to do something), intend, be going to, be about to.
- hendaknya: should.
- menghendaki: wish for something, require, demand.
- kehendak: wish, desire.
- berkehendak: have the desire to.
- hendam-karam
- destroyed, wiped out.
- hening
- clear, silent, quiet.
- hentak
- stamp on with force, thrust, stab, pound, throb.
- menghentak: stamp on with force.
- menghentakkan: pound or stamp with something.
- terhentak: be thrown down.
- hentakan: stamping, pounding.
- hentam
- stamp (the foot).
- menghentamkan: stamp (the foot).
- hentaman: foot stamping, big explosion.
- henti
- stop.
- berhenti: to stop.
- menghentikan: to stop something.
- perhentian: cessation, discontinuation.
- henyak
- tread on, step on, press, stamp.
- menghenyak: tread on, step on, press, stamp.
- menghenyakkan: fall back down.
- terhenyak: fall back with thud (in a chair, et cetera).
- heran
- surprised.
- mengherankan: to surprise or amaze something or someone.
- keheranan: amazement, wonder, to be astonished.
- hewan
- domestic animal.