Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ko
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- Ko-Ops
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Operasi", or the Operations Command.
- koalisi
- coalition.
- berkoalisi: form a coalition.
- kobar
- flaming, in flames.
- berkobar: flare up.
- mengkobarkan: inspire, stir up.
- koboi
- cowboy.
- kobra
- cobra.
- kocak
- hilarious, amusing, smart, classy.
- kocok
- shake, mix, rub hard.
- mengkocok: shake, mix something, stir, mix, shuffle (cards), rub hard, incite someone to do something.
- kocokan: card shuffling, mixture.
- pengkocok: shaker, mixer.
- pengkocokan: shaking, rubbing, mixing, shuffling.
- Kodam
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Daerah Militer", or the Military Regional Command.
- kode
- code, kod.
- Kodim
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Distrik Militer", or the Military District Command.
- kodok
- frog.
- kodrat
- (Islam) God's will, God's omnipotence, power (of nature).
- Kohanudnas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Pertahanan Udara Nasional", or the National Air Defense Command.
- kok
- (expression) "Why?" or "How come?", a particle at the end of a phrase denying an assumption or statement of something said by the person being spoken to.
- kokoh
- (sila lihat: kukuh.)
- kokok
- crow, crowing.
- berkokok: to crow.
- kol
- cabbage, kind of minibus, colt pistol, calculated, estimated, collated, brush (of generator).
- mengkol: call.
- kolaborasi
- collaboration, in collaboration with, pakat sulit, pemuafakatan, kerjasama, secara usaha sama dengan.
- kolam
- pond, pool, tank.
- kolom
- column, printed column.
- kolong
- space under a house, a bed, et cetera.
- kolor
- drawstring, shorts or undershorts.
- ngkolor: bootlick.
- kolot
- old-fashioned, conservative.
- kekolotan: conservatism.
- komandan
- commander, komander.
- komando
- command.
- komat
- (sila lihat komat-kamit di halaman ini.)
- komat-kamit
- move the lips without speaking.
- berkomat-kamit: to move the lips without speaking.
- kombinasi
- combination.
- komentar
- comment, commentary, komen, ulasan.
- berkomentar; mengkomentari: comment on.
- komentator
- caster, person who gives commentary.
- komersial
- commercial, perdagangan, komersil.
- komik
- comedian, clown, comic book.
- komisariat
- commissioner's office.
- komisaris
- commissioner, pesuruhjaya.
- komisi
- commission, committee (in parliament, et cetera); commission on a sale, tip, bribe.
- mengkomisi: inspect, investigate.
- mengkomisikan: sell something on commission.
- komite
- committee.
- komitmen
- commitment.
- Komnas
- a syllabic abbreviation of "Komisi Nasional", or the National Commission (for the human rights organisation).
- komnasham
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia", or the National Commission on Human Rights.
- komoditas
- (sila lihat komoditi di halaman ini.)
- komoditi
- commodity, raw materials as an item of trade.
- komodo
- a kind of giant indigenous lizard in Indonesia.
- Kompas
- a name of daily national newspaper that is located in Jakarta.
- kompensasi
- compensation, ganti rugi.
- komplit
- complete, lengkap, penuh.
- komplot
- accomplice, thug, plot.
- berkomplot: to plot or conspire.
- komplotan: gang, ring of conspirators.
- komponen
- component.
- kompor
- stove.
- komposisi
- composition.
- berkomposisi: be composed of.
- komputer
- computer.
- Komsat
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komunikasi Lewat Satelit", or the Satellite Communication.
- komuni
- communion.
- komunikasi
- communication.
- berkomunikasi; mengkomunikasikan: communicate.
- komunike
- communiqué.
- komunis
- communist.
- komunisme
- communism.
- komunitas
- community, komuniti.
- kondang
- famous, high official; invite.
- mengkondang: invite.
- kondangan: invitation.
- konde
- chignon, hair bun.
- berkonde: wear a chignon.
- kondisi
- condition, keadaan.
- kondusif
- conducive.
- konferensi
- conference.
- konfirmasi
- confirmation, pengesahan.
- konfrontasi
- confrontation.
- berkonfrontasi: to be in confrontation with each other.
- kongkol
- talking over something.
- sekongkol: be an accessory, scheme, plot with.
- bersekongkol: plot, conspire.
- sekongkolan: collusion, plot.
- persekongkolan: intrigue, conspiracy.
- kongres
- congress, convention.
- an acronym of or for "Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia", or the National Sports Committee of Indonesia.
- konkret
- concrete, precise.
- konon
- they say, I wonder, perhaps, it seems.
- konsentrasi
- concentration, tumpuan, penumpuan.
- konsep
- concept.
- konser
- concert.
- konservasi
- (wildlife) conservation, (physics) conservation, pemuliharaan, pengabadian, keabadian.
- konstelasi
- constellation.
- konstruktif
- constructive.
- konsultasi
- consultation.
- konsumi
- consume, makan, minum.
- kontan
- directly, immediately, cash.
- konteks
- context.
- kontes
- contest.
- mengkonteskan: hold a contest over.
- kontes-kontesan: contests of various kinds.
- kontestan
- contestant, candidate.
- kontol
- (vulgar) penis.
- kontrak
- contract, lease.
- mengkontrak: to contract something or lease something out.
- mengkontrakkan: to lease something out or take something out on contract.
- kontrakan: something leased out.
- konvensi
- convention, konvensyen.
- konvensional
- conventional, traditional.
- koordinasi
- coordination.
- mengkoordinasi; mengkoordinasikan: coordinate.
- pengkoordinasian: coordinating.
- Kopassandha
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Pasukan Sandi Yudha", or the Secret Warfare Commando Unit.
- Kopassus
- a syllabic abbreviation of "Komando Pasukan Khusus", or the Command for Exclusive Force.
- koper
- (sila lihat kopor di halaman ini.)
- koperasi
- a cooperative store or business, cooperation.
- berkoperasi: to cooperate together.
- kopi
- coffee; copy of something, a draft.
- mengkopi: to make a copy of something.
- Kopkamtib
- a syllabic abbreviation of "Komando Operasi Pemulihan Keamanan dan Ketertiban", or the Operational Command for the Restoration of Security and Order.
- kopling
- clutch, connection, gears (in cars).
- kopor
- trunk, suitcase.
- Koramil
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Rayon Militer", or the Military Subdistrict Command.
- koran
- newspaper; (Islam) the Qur'an (Islamic holy book of scriptures), akhbar, surat khabar.
- korban
- sacrifice, (Islam) religious offering, victims.
- berkorban: make a sacrifice.
- mengkorbankan: sacrifice something.
- korek
- matches, cigarette lighter, dig up secrets.
- mengkoreki: scrape something out.
- Korem
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Resort Militer", or the Military Resort Command.
- koreografer
- choreographer.
- kornet
- corned beef in a tin.
- Korpri
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia", or the Indonesian Civil Service Corps.
- korsi
- (sila lihat: kursi.)
- korting
- discount.
- kortsluiting
- (Dutch) short circuit.
- kos
- room and board, rent a room.
- kosakata
- vocabulary.
- kosong
- empty, blank, vacant.
- kekosongan: emptiness.
- Kostrad
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat", or the Army Strategic Reserve Command.
- Kostranas
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Strategi Nasional", or the National Strategic Command.
- kota
- city or large village.
- pekotaan: having to do with the city.
- perkotaan: urban affairs.
- kota madya: capital, municipality, or municipalities, ibu kota.
- kotak
- box, compartment, (quadrangular) section.
- terkotak; keterkotakan: categorised.
- kotamadya
- (sila lihat kota di halaman ini.)
- kotek
- tail feather, tail plumed with a tuft-like end (exempli gratia of a comet), a cackle (of a hen).
- berkotek: to cluck.
- Koti
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Tertinggi", or the Commander-in-Chief.
- kotor
- dirty, soiled, vile, filthy (of speech, et cetera), gross (income, profits, et cetera).
- kekotoran: dirtiness.
- kotoran: faeces, manure.
- Kowilhan
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Komando Wilayah Pertahanan", or the Regional Defense Command.