Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/La
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- laba
- profit, benefit, gain.
- berlaba: gainful, profitable.
- melabai; melabakan: profit, benefit someone.
- labah-labah
- spider.
- labrak
- to beat, to confront.
- melabrak: to confront (verbally and/or physically).
- labu
- pumpkin, squash, gourd.
- labuh
- hanging down, classifier for curtains.
- berlabuh: anchor, dock, be at anchor, be pulled down.
- melabuh: drop anchor.
- melabuhkan: drop, give birth to.
- pelabuhan: harbour, port, dock.
- kepelabuhan: harbour affairs.
- labur
- whitewash.
- melabur: to whitewash (a wall).
- lacak
- drag slightly, trace, abundant.
- melacak: drag slightly (of anchor), trace, track.
- melacaki: trail, track, traces someone.
- pelacak: tracker.
- pelacakan: tracing, reconstruction (of a route).
- belacak: abundant, in great quantity.
- laci
- drawer (in a table or desk).
- lacur
- immoral, indecent.
- melacur: to engage in prostitution.
- pelacur: a prostitute.
- pelacuran: prostitution.
- lada
- black or white pepper.
- ladang
- dry crop field.
- peladangan: dry crop field.
- laden
- (Javanese) one who serves.
- meladeni: serve, wait on, pay attention, listen to.
- ladenan: service.
- peladen: waiter, servant.
- laga
- fight.
- berlaga: fight, struggle.
- melaga: cock fight.
- memperlagakan: pit against each other.
- pelaga: fighter.
- perlagaan: fight, collision.
- medan laga: battlefield.
- lagak
- attitude, manner, behaviour.
- lagi
- again, still, more, else, other, as well (as); to be in the process of doing.
- lagu
- melody, song, tune, manner, way, intonation.
- berlagu: melodious, sing.
- melagu: sing.
- melagui: compose a melody for something.
- melagukan: carry the melody of something, sing something.
- lah
- particle urging action, particle requesting belief (such as "that is it!", "believe me!", et cetera), particle of assent, particle marking predicate of the sentence by pointing out its main idea.
- lahan
- (sila lihat: perlahan.)
- lahap
- eat with lust, greedily.
- lahir
- to be born or come into existence.
- melahirkan: give birth to, bring into existence.
- kelahiran: birth.
- lain
- other, another, different, besides, not including.
- lain-lain: various other things.
- selain: besides, in addition to, except.
- berlainan: to be different, at variance.
- melainkan: but (rather), only, except for.
- kelainan: difference, deviation, aberration, anomaly, disorder.
- lajang
- single, unmarried, bachelor.
- melajang: to live as a bachelor.
- lajim
- customarily.
- lajo
- (Javanese) commute to and from a place of employment or study.
- lajoan: something used to commute on.
- laju
- fast, rapid, rate.
- berlaju; bersilaju; berselaju: speed, move fast (of a ship, car, et cetera).
- melaju: move quickly.
- melajukan: accelerate, speed something up.
- perlajuan: acceleration.
- lajur
- bar (of flag), strip (of cloth), lane (of roads or highways).
- berlajur: to have strips, lane (of highways or roads).
- laki
- (colloquial) husband.
- laki-laki: man, male.
- laknat
- curse, cursed.
- melaknatkan: curse.
- si laknat: the cursed one.
- lakon
- play, act (of a multi-act play).
- berlakon; melakonkan: act in a play.
- laksa
- ten thousand, macaroni, rice noddle.
- laksamana
- commander of the fleet, admiral.
- laksana
- characteristic, quality of something, like, similar to.
- melaksanakan: to carry out, cause something to materialise.
- terlaksana: carried out.
- pelaksanaan: the carrying out of something, the realisation of a plan or directive.
- pelaksana: person carrying out of something (duty, work, et cetera).
- laksmi
- goddess of beauty, beautiful.
- laku
- behaviour, conduct, valid, in effect, in demand, sell well.
- selaku: as if, like, as, in the capacity of.
- berlaku: be valid, be in effect, occur, happen, prevail, obtain, behave, act as.
- melakukan: carry out, execute, make, do, bring about, commit, perpetrate.
- memperlakukan: treat, handle.
- kelakuan: deed, act, behaviour.
- pelaku: doer, agent, (theatrical) performer, actor.
- perlakuan: treatment.
- lalai
- negligent, careless, inattentive, thoughtless, inconsiderate, absent-minded, dull, pre-occupied, unconscious, slovenly, (verb) fail.
- lalang
- tall weed, grass.
- lalat
- a fly.
- lalu
- pass, past, last, then.
- selalu: always.
- melalui: to pass through or by, by means of.
- terlalu: too, exceedingly.
- keterlaluan: excessiveness, too much.
- lama
- long (of duration), old.
- lama-lama: finally, after a long time.
- selama: during, as long as.
- selama-lamanya: forever, at the longest.
- kelamaan: eventually, in the end, to run late or be a long time, be overtaken by lateness.
- lamar
- ask for the hand of, propose marriage to, apply for.
- melamar: propose marriage, apply for a job, position.
- lamaran: proposal, application.
- lambai
- wave, bye.
- berlambai: to wave to and fro.
- melambaikan: to wave something back and forth.
- lambang
- sign, symbol, attribute, badge, device, emblem, regalia, sifat, lencana, lambang, alat kebesaran diraja, pakaian kebesaran.
- perlambang: symbol, omen, lambang, simbol, petanda, alamat.
- melambangkan: symbolise.
- lambat
- slow, late.
- terlambat: late.
- lambung
- side (of ship or person), flank; the bounce (of a ball, et cetera), throw, toss something upward, soar.
- melambung: bounce up, jump up.
- terlambung: thrown upward.
- lampau
- past.
- melampaui: pass by, go by way of, pass over, exceed.
- terlampau: too, very much.
- lampir
- attachments.
- melampiri, melampirkan: attach, append, enclose.
- terlampir: attached, enclosed.
- lampiran: attachment, enclosure.
- lampu
- lamp, light.
- Lampung
- a province in Indonesia, located on the eastern part of the Island of Sumatra. Its capital city is Tanjungkarang-Telukbetung.
- lamun
- muse, daydream.
- melamun; ngelamun: muse, daydream.
- melamunkan: daydream about something.
- lamunan: fantasy, thought, speculation.
- pelamun: daydreamer.
- lancang
- impudent, insolent, sharp tongued.
- lancar
- quick, fast, fluent, facile, smooth.
- berselancar: to wave surf.
- melancarkan: facilitate, expedite, make faster.
- kelancaran: smoothness, fluency.
- lancip
- sharp and pointed, (mathematics) acute.
- melancipkan: sharpen (a pencil, stick, et cetera).
- muka lancip: face with a sharp feature.
- lancong
- go sightseeing, traveller.
- melancong: go sightseeing, take a pleasure trip.
- pelancong: tourists, sightseers.
- landa
- pan, lye, alkali.
- melanda: attack, topple over.
- terlanda: knocked over, overrun.
- landas
- base, foundation.
- melandasi: base on something.
- melandaskan: base something on something else.
- landasan: base, foundation.
- langgan
- be a customer, customers.
- berlanggan: be a customer.
- berlangganan: to subscribe to (a magazine, et cetera).
- langganan: customer, subscriber.
- langgar
- an Islamic prayer house; collide.
- berlanggar: collide with one another.
- berlanggaran: be involved in a collision with, be in conflict with.
- melanggar: run into something.
- terlanggar: struck accidentally.
- pelanggar: one committing an infraction.
- pelanggaran: a violation of a law or rule.
- langgeng
- eternal, imperishable.
- melanggengkan: perpetuate, preserve.
- langit
- sky, heaven.
- selangit: like the sky, extraordinary, ceiling.
- melangit: sky high.
- langitan: palate.
- langka
- rare, scarce.
- kelangkaan: rare.
- langkah
- step.
- melangkah: to step forward.
- melangkahi: step over, skip over, disregard, overstep (propriety, et cetera).
- langkat
- three days from now, the day after the day after tomorrow.
- langsat
- a small light yellow fruit.
- langsep
- a small oval fruit, yellowish-green in colour.
- langsing
- slim, slender, dapper, svelte, loud (of sound).
- melangsing: become slender, slim down, go back and forth, go up and down.
- melangsingkan: make something slim, streamline (a body).
- kelangsingan: slimness, slenderness.
- pelangsingan: slimming, slenderising of the body.
- langsung
- direct, straight, immediately.
- berlangsung: go on, take place.
- keberlangsungan: persistence, resoluteness.
- terlangsung: carried out, implemented, perpetuated, rash.
- kelangsungan: performance, execution (of a procedure), perpetuity, perpetuation.
- lanjur
- protracted, prolonged.
- melanjurkan: prolong something.
- terlanjur: too late.
- lanjut
- long, advanced (in age), further.
- melanjutkan: to continue.
- lanjutan: following on something else.
- kelanjutan: continuation.
- selanjutnya: furthermore, after that.
- lansat
- (fruit) Lansium domesticum.
- lansir
- spread, distribute.
- melansir: launch something, spread, distribute (news, et cetera).
- lantai
- floor, story (of a building).
- berlantai: to have a floor, to have storeys (of a building).
- lantang
- shrill, piercing (voice), clear, distinct.
- melantang: become loud.
- kelantangan: volume, loudness.
- lantar
- to cause something, reason; neglected, abandoned.
- melantarkan: cause something, pass on (a suggestion, et cetera).
- lantaran: reason, (colloquial) because.
- pelantar: mediator, intermediary, (linguistics) copula.
- pelantaran: act of mediation.
- terlantar; telantar: neglected.
- terlantarkan: abandoned (land).
- menterlantarkan: abandon, neglect (someone or something).
- keterlantaran: state of neglect.
- peterlantaran: neglect, abandonment.
- lantas
- straightaway, directly, then, (expression) "...and so?".
- melantasi: penetrate something.
- melantaskan: carry out, execute something, to move something forward, pass on.
- lantik
- install, inaugurate.
- melantik: install, inaugurate, be sworn, promote.
- pelantikan: inauguration, installation.
- lantun
- reflect, rebound.
- melantun: rebound (of a ball), spring, reflect, ricochet.
- melantunkan: make something reflect or ricochet.
- lantunan: rebound, reflection.
- lantung
- putrid, stinking (odour), a loud bang, verbose.
- melantung: emit a bad odour, make a sound like an explosion, bump against.
- lantung-lantung: clang, clash, boom.
- berlantung: bump against.
- terlantung: knock or hit against.
- ngelantung: laze about, do things without purpose.
- lantur
- stray from a path, digress.
- melantur; ngelantur: stray from a path, digress, get off the subject.
- melanturkan: divert, distract someone.
- lanturan: diversion, digression, aberration.
- laos
- galingale, a plant of the ginger family.
- lap
- towel, rag.
- lapang
- open, wide, spacious, free, unoccupied, roomy.
- kelapangan: emptiness, leisure, ease.
- lapangan: field (for sports, et cetera), square.
- lapar
- hungry.
- kelaparan: hunger, famine, starvation.
- lapis
- layer, lining, row, (geology) stratum.
- berlapis: have a layer, stratified, in layers.
- berlapiskan: have something as a layer.
- melapis: line, coat, in layers.
- melapisi: coat something with, cover.
- lapisan: layer, stratum, class, coating.
- lapor
- report.
- melapor: report.
- melaporkan: report, notify, inform.
- laporan: report, statement.
- pelapor: reporter, commentator.
- pelaporan: reporting, commentary.
- larang
- forbid, prohibit, ban, interdict.
- melarang: forbid, ban.
- terlarang: prohibited, banned, off limits.
- larangan: prohibition, embargo.
- pelarangan: act of banning.
- laras
- pitch, key, scale, harmony, harmonious.
- selaras: in accordance with, in harmony.
- kelarasan: harmoniousness.
- pelarasan: adjustment.
- larat
- be protracted, be drawn out (of an illness), drag (an anchor), wander.
- melarat: protracted (of an illness).
- lari
- run.
- berlari: to run.
- melarikan: to cause something to run (away).
- pelari: runner, jogger.
- pelarian: fugitive, running, escape.
- laris
- popular, in demand, selling well.
- melariskan: stimulate the sale of, popularise.
- pelaris; penglaris: something that sells well, bestseller.
- larut
- soluble, fused, dissolved; protracted, late, far-advanced (of night).
- melarut: become dissolved.
- melarutkan: dissolve something, make disappear; drag something on, prolong.
- larutan: solution; lateness.
- pelarut: solvent.
- berlarut-larut: protracted, drawn out, drag on.
- laskar
- (literature) pre-modern soldiers, paramilitary troops, guerrilla fighters, paramilitary unit.
- lat
- late.
- latar
- (Javanese) yard, surface or plane, background.
- pelataran: yard or background.
- latih
- accustomed, wont.
- berlatih: practice, train, rehearse.
- melatih: train someone, practice something.
- terlatih: trained, skilled, exercised.
- latihan: exercise, practice, training.
- pelatih: trainer, instructor, coach.
- lauk
- side dish, usually of meat or fish, served with rice at mealtime.
- lauk-pauk
- (sila lihat lauk di halaman ini.)
- laut
- sea, ocean.
- melaut: head out to sea.
- lautan: sea, ocean.
- lawak
- joke, jest, gag.
- lawakan: amusing act, a joke, jest.
- pelawak: comedian, jokester.
- lawan
- opponent, adversary, the contrary or opposite, against, versus.
- berlawan: contest, compete, be the opposite of, have an opponent, be pitted against.
- berlawanan: disagree with, clashing, contradictory (views, et cetera).
- melawan: oppose.
- pelawan: opponent.
- perlawanan: opposition, contrast.
- lawat
- pay a visit, make a trip, (colloquial) make a visit of condolence.
- melawat: pay a visit, make a trip.
- melawati: visit.
- pelawat: visitor, tourist.
- perlawatan: visit, trip.
- layak
- proper, suitable, reasonable, fair (price), like.
- layaknya: as if.
- selayak: like.
- selayaknya: proper, as much as is proper.
- melayakkan: make proper, bring something up to standard.
- kelayakan: worthiness, fairness, properness.
- layan
- serve, wait on (guests), take care of (customers), supply, service.
- melayani: serve, wait on, supply, service something.
- melayankan: serve (food).
- layanan: service.
- pelayan: waiter, waitress, clerk, attendant.
- pelayanan: servicing, waiting on.
- layang
- kite, kind of bird, swift, cut something in half (such as mango, et cetera).
- melayang: lofty, soar, float in the air.
- melayang-layang: to hover.
- layar
- sail (of a ship), screen (of television or computer).
- berlayar: to have a sail or screen, to sail (in a boat).
- pelayar: a sailor.
- pelayaran: a voyage by ship, navigation.
- layat
- make a visit of condolence.
- melayat; ngelayat: make a visit of condolence.
- pelayat: one who pays his respect to the family of the deceased.
- pelayatan: condolence visit.
- layu
- withered, faded (of flowers), weak, pale.
- melayu: wither, wilt.
- melayukan: wither, wilt something.
- kelayuan: faded, wilted, death.
- layuh
- paralysed, weak, feeble.
- lazim
- usual, customary, common, compulsory, obligatory.
- lazimnya: usually.
- melazimkan: make something usual, bring something into vogue, make something compulsory.
- laziman: custom, usage, fad.