Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ne
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- negara
- state, country.
- kenegaraan: matters pertaining to the state or country.
- negeri
- country, nation.
- negosiasi
- negotiation.
- bernegosiasi: be engaged in negotiaton.
- menegosiasikan: negotiate something.
- nekad
- (sila lihat nekat di halaman ini.)
- nekat
- determined to do something no matter what, ready to take serious risk.
- Nekolim
- a syllabic abbreviation of or for "Neo-Kolonialis, Kolonialis, dan Imperialisme", or the Neocolonialism, Colonialism, and Imperialism.
- nelayan
- fisherman.
- nenas
- pineapple.
- nenek
- grandmother, old woman.
- nenek-moyang
- ancestors.
- neraca
- balance, (pair of) scales.
- neraka
- hell, the abode of Satan.
- netral
- neutral, uncommitted, nonaligned.
- menetralkan: permit to be neutral, neutralise.
- kenetralan: neutrality.
- penetralan: neutralisation.