Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Ny
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- -nya
- his, her, its, their, your, the (one that we both know about or were talking about), him, it, them (after verbs or prepositions).
- nyah
- a short form of or contraction for "nyonya".
- nyai
- title and term of address formerly given to the mistress of a foreigner.
- nyala
- flame.
- bernyala; menyala: to flame up, to burn (of a light).
- menyalakan: to set alight, set fire to, to start.
- nyaman
- pleasant, comfortable.
- nyambi
- (sila lihat: sambi.)
- nyampang
- in case, just in case, by chance.
- nyamuk
- mosquito.
- nyana
- expect, presume, think.
- dinyana: expected, considered possible.
- menyanakan: expect something, suspect something.
- ternyana: expected.
- nyanyi
- song, singing.
- bernyanyi; menyanyi: sing.
- menyanyikan: sing something.
- nyanyian: song, melody.
- penyanyi: singer.
- nyaring
- a high pitched voice.
- nyaris
- nearly (of something unpleasant).
- nyaru
- disguised.
- nyata
- obvious, evident, real, tangible.
- menyatakan: explain, clarify, declare, assert.
- ternyata: it appears, apparently, it turned out.
- kenyataan: fact, data, truth, reality.
- pernyataan: declaration, pronouncement, expression.
- nyawa
- life-sustaining principle, soul.
- nyenyak
- be sound (of sleep).
- nyeri
- painful, (sharp) pain.
- nyiru
- a type of basket for winnowing.
- menyiru: to use such a basket.
- nyiur
- coconut palm.
- nyonya
- Mrs. (title or term of address for a married woman, especially Westerners and Chinese).