Lampiran:Kamus bahasa Indonesia/Pr
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- PR
- an initialism of or for "pekerjaan rumah", or homework.
- prajurit
- warrior, pahlawan, kesateria, sateria.
- prakarsa
- initiative.
- memprakarsai; memprakarsakan: initiate.
- pemprakarsa: initiator.
- praktek
- practice.
- praktekkan: put into practice.
- praktik
- (sila lihat praktek di halaman ini.)
- pramugara
- male flight attendant.
- pramugari
- female flight attendant.
- pramuwisata
- tourist guide.
- pramuwisma
- (euphemism) maid servant.
- Prancis
- France.
- prangko
- postage stamp.
- pranula
- hyperlink, pautan.
- prasangka
- prejudice.
- berprasangka: prejudiced.
- prasarana
- infrastructure, labour done in preparation.
- prasasti
- ancient inscription, epigraphy.
- prasejarah
- prehistory, prehistorical.
- predikat
- citation, designation, (linguistics) predicate.
- preferensi
- preference.
- preman
- private, civilian, (colloquial) street kids, hoodlums.
- premier
- (theatrical) premiere.
- mempremierkan: premiere something.
- presiden
- president.
- prestasi
- achievement.
- prestise
- prestige.
- pria
- male, man, lelaki.
- pribadi
- individual, personal, peribadi.
- mempribadikan: personify.
- kepribadian: personality, individual identity.
- pribumi
- native, an individual or the class of people belonging to the indigenous inhabitants of a place.
- prihatin
- concerned, apprehensive.
- keprihatinan: concern, apprehensiveness.
- primadona
- woman who is considered excellent (or famous).
- prinsip
- principle, tenet.
- berprinsip: to have principle.
- prioritas
- priority.
- memprioritaskan: give priority to.
- priyayi
- one belonging to the Javanese upper classes, traditionally a term associated with the Javanese aristocracy.
- produk
- product.
- produksi
- production, pengeluaran (untuk produk), penerbitan (untuk karya dan filem).
- profesi
- profession, profesion.
- berprofesi: professional.
- keprofesian: professionalism.
- profil
- appearance, profile.
- berprofil: have a certain appearance.
- progresif
- progressive.
- proklamasi
- proclamation, pengisytiharan.
- proklamir
- proclaim.
- proklamirkan: proclaim.
- pemproklamir: person who proclaims.
- proliferasi
- proliferation.
- promosi
- promotion of a product, (academy) dissertation defense.
- mempromosi; mempromosikan: promote (products).
- propinsi
- province, canton, county, provinsi.
- proporsi
- proportion.
- proposal
- proposal, cadangan.
- prosa
- prose.
- memprosakan: put something in prose.
- prosedur
- procedure.
- prosen
- percent.
- proses
- process.
- protes
- protest.
- memprotes: to protest.
- provinsi
- (sila lihat propinsi di halaman ini.)
- provokasi
- provocation.
- memprovokasi; memprovokasikan: provoke something.
- terprovokasi: provoked.
- provokator
- one's to provoke, provocateur.
- provost
- military police in air force or navy.
- proyek
- project, projek, rancangan.
- proyeksi
- projection.
- an initialism for "Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia", or the Revolutionary Government of the Indonesian Republic, a military uprising in Sumatra in the late 1950s.
- PRRI dan Permesta
- a half initialism of and half syllabic abbreviation for "Pemerintah Revolusioner Republik Indonesia dan Perjuangan Semesta", or the Total Struggle and the Republic of Indonesia's Revolutionary Government, a rebellion in Sumatra and North Sulawesi against the central government in the late 1950s.