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Perbincangan pengguna:Edmundwoods

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Latest comment: 15 tahun lalu by On Wheezier Plot in topic Sahutan saya mengenai "Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu".

Selamat datang ke Wiktionary Bahasa Melayu lebih dikenali sebagai "Kamus Wiki"!

Berikut merupakan beberapa pautan yang dapat anda layari jika anda masih baru di Wiktionary: Lihat juga bantuan Kamus Wiki. Untuk menandatangani sebuah pesan pada halaman perbualan, seperti halaman ini, letakkan ~~~~ (empat kali tanda gelombang). Semoga anda menikmati kunjungan anda di Wiktionary Bahasa Melayu. Salam! ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 19:52, 10 Disember 2007 (UTC)

Selamat datang!

Hi Edmundkh, Selamat Datang ke KamusWiki! Jika tidak silap saya dalam perkiraanku setelah memperhatikan statistik kamus Wiki tadi, tahukah anda adalah pengguna kamus Wiki baru yang ke-seratus-empat-belas? Kedatangan anda sungguh membanggakan serta dialu-alukan! Walau bagaimana pun dan amat mengelirukan kami juga sebagai para-para penyunting kamus, projek kamus Melayu ini jauh masih kecil berbanding dengan mana-mana Wikipedia yang terkenal dan Wiktionary yang lain dengan apa yang anda telah dilihatkan atau dijangkakan! "Aduhai!" Oleh yang demikian, kami sangat memerlukan bantuan anda dan harapkan anda dapat menjayakan WikiKamus ini dengan lebih baik lagi terutamanya dengan tambahan banyak kata-kata masukan Melayu baru yang masih belum dimasukkan ke dalam kamus bebas ini! Jadi, sebarang sumbangan anda kelak adalah amat dihargai. Jika anda ada sebarang soalan atau sebarang pertanyaan, utarakan saya atau penyelia aktif Aurora di Wiktionary:Kedai kopi atau di laman perbualan saya. Barang apa pun, saya ucapkan anda selamat menyumbang!

Yo, what is up Edmundkh! :-) Welcome to the Malay Wiktionary! Glad to have you here and good to see you. It appears to me that we do have a shared background in common - you stayed in Ipoh, same as me here too but an ex-Michaelian! Although this is normally a Malay Language site, somehow editing or chatting in English is also accepted or granted. This means that you can talk to me in English whenever you want to as you wish! However for this Wiki-site's sake in general it would be much better if you are able to state it more often in Malay! Nevertheless, your arrival is much appreciated! Enjoy your stay here and happy editing! ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 11:27, 8 Jun 2007 (UTC)Balas

Sahutan saya kepada "Oh my God!!"


Ya, tentunya tepat sekali! Saya sudah baca kedua-duanya sebab hendak ingin tahu jika anda juga pernah menyertai projek-projek laman Wiki yang lain sama ada atau tiada. Tidak sangka bahawa mesej saya yang semacam itu di atas pun boleh mengejutkan anda secara tiba-tiba. "Yikes!" ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 17:37, 17 Jun 2007 (UTC)Balas

Aaiiiyyooooohhh! Itu pun hang ini juga mahu tahu-kah? Sudah balas dan telah jawab melalui e-mel anda. Haraplah anda dapat menerimakannya — dengan lebih selamat! :-) ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 20:56, 25 Jun 2007 (UTC)Balas
HOI!!! Apa awak cakap ini-hah??? Sudah kali kedua anda telah memperingatkan saya mengenai perkara yang sama, cukuplah itu! Manalah saya melakukan perbuatan yang sia-sia? Usahlah awak cakap tentang isu-isu yang lepas, engkau ingat saya tidak sedar akannya dan tidak diberitahu-ke? Tiada bertujuannya untuk mengatakan sesuatu yang berulang-ulang sebab Aurora telah memesan saya beberapa kali dari awal lagi di muka perbualan saya. Yang kedua, apakah maksud anda "carilah perkataan di Wiktionary Bahasa Inggeris lalu import ke sini"? Inikan Wiktionary Bahasa Melayu? Jadi pada hemat saya dalam pertimbangan hal tersebut, ia cuma bermakna perkataan bahasa Melayu sahaja diutamakan.
Yang ketiga, mengapakah anda mengamarankan saya jangan bersikap berdegil? Bagaimanalah engkau mengesyaki saya yang bersikap degil? Saya langsung tidak berapa faham terhadap niat kau itu. Dengan jujur, baru-baru ini saya hanya sibuk membuat sesuatu penyelidikan dalaman di halaman kotak pasir untuk mencari lema yang ke-lima-puluh yang sebenar disebabkan pada masa itu dan sebelumnya, ia tidak direkodkan dalam halaman Wiktionary:Pengumuman, tidak perasan-ke atas pengurusan saya tu? Jikalau anda betul-betul tidak tahu apa yang sedang berlaku malah melainkan awak ada alasan yang munasabah, sila jangan membuat penuduhan yang sembarangan dan lebih baik anda jaga budi pendirian anda. Tidak bagus tau jika anda menyatakan macam itu tanpa menurut akal, dengan mengikut apa yang telah dipiagamkan atau disebutkan dalam w:en:WP:NPA dan w:en:WP:CIVIL di Wikipedia Bahasa Inggeris bahkan dalam en:Wiktionary:Civility di Wiktionary Bahasa Inggeris. Sebab cara awak menyampaikan mesej anda bagaikan hampir nak menyerang keperibadian saya dengan tambahan beberapa tanda seruan. Oleh itu, berhati-hati dengan apa yang anda hendak cakapkan dan harap maklum.
Surplus but hidden messages in English of mine can be found inside this talk page below here when you press the "sunting" tab on top for further reading if you truly want to know! ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 08:55, 4 Julai 2007 (UTC)Balas



Dia dah setuju dengan saya, buat apa ungkitkan lagi. Lebih baik anda menambahkan perkataan. ...Aurora... 10:19, 7 Julai 2007 (UTC)Balas

Baca Wiktionary:Memulakan laman baru. ...Aurora... 10:35, 9 Julai 2007 (UTC)Balas

Sahutan saya kepada "User:Aurora".


Dear Edmund Khor, however before that and likewise from our channels of communication through our e-mails of last time, I was wondering would it be OK for you once again if I could also converse with you in English here henceforth? Just like what I habitually did previously with Aurora into her talk page albeit this is a Malay site, nothing wrong with this as it seems plus apparently she understands with what I was trying to tell her something. Because I really find it fairly odd to convey with you being the same person I encounter either via online or in real life but for us to express those circumstances into two different languages each at various occasions is a bit unsensible. Talking about social conventions in general, I am quite certain that you know normally whenever a person communicates with another person of whom he or she recognises or is closest to would always use the only one language even when they are in both worlds apart. So then with that in mind, why not? Do cosider about it. Personally, I feel that would be much better if we could maintained it in such manner.

Alright, now broaching onto the subject of one's username, particularly Aurora in which you are referring to most primarily. Sincerely I am not completely sure of what her true gender is in reality, none the less except by merely looking at her username she represents herself here, it would be rather easier for me to take it as a determining factor so that I may presumably comprehend and decide what type of personal pronouns to apply into words whenever I need it to indicate any individual involved. Furthermore, her username also sounds and reads pretty feminine to me, well almost. Did you not perceive it? After all, common sense will tell you immediately, this truly occurred to me and it just pops out of my head and somehow it prompted me to treat her username as it is of feminism-related, thus from there onwards, it got stuck inside my thinking. Besides, it has been authenticated from what I have recently found here for more information regarding her username. In fact, I knew I was going to expect someone from here who might come and ask me about it, down right ever since I first deemed Aurora as a female contributor. And sure enough, to my amazement, I just could not believe that it was you who asked about this! "Sigh, goodness me!" ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 21:26, 4 Ogos 2007 (UTC)Balas

Nama pengguna


Mungkin PolyBot itu memang robot. Selagi dia belum menyunting, kita takkan tahu. ...Aurora... 12:18, 9 Ogos 2007 (UTC)Balas

Baca w:Wikipedia:Bot untuk polisi. Sama ada robot itu ditanda atau tidak, bergantung kepada birokrat tempatan. ...Aurora... 14:03, 9 Ogos 2007 (UTC)Balas

Sahutan saya kepada "Wiktionary Bahasa Inggeris".


Ermmm..... Maybe not now at the moment. Still got lots of Wiki-work which needs me to be done on behalf of this little-cum-far-off Kamus Wiki. In addition, I have my own set of planned priorities as well primarily for the sake of it. And for that reason, first things first — I must finish this Wiktionary in a jiffy before only I could consider myself whether or not I can afford to have another Wiki-account created into that most-loaded English Wiktionary. Otherwise, it would be unfair for me to underweigh this Malay dictionary project by departing from it in prejudice to other places since I had made a lot of edit changes plus improvements here, like what you have said recently in my talk page, it is also my great responsibility to do so. As for the English Wiktionary itself, not to mention that it is also a high-traffic Wikisite, so it would be at best just to leave it alone and let those full-time English Wiktionarians who contributed heavily into that dictionary to take care of it. Secondly and actually, you know I cannot bear myself to participate too much by possessing numerous Wiki-accounts being existed inactively espcially there or spend so much time online on all these stuffs because I really cannot hassle myself by taking control over such things simultaneously unlike you, but I am just glad enough that you are able to venture out for one more! I am certain that we had already discussed concerning this matter before back in church, did not I informed you about it? Thanks for the offer none the less, however do accept my apologies! ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 18:45, 11 Ogos 2007 (UTC)Balas



Setiap orang ada batasnya. ...Aurora... 10:54, 3 September 2007 (UTC)Balas

Saya harap anda telah membaca SEMUA perbualan kami berdua sebelum anda menghantar pesanan tadi. Selamat menyumbang. ...Aurora... 11:27, 6 September 2007 (UTC)Balas

Sahutan saya kepada "Babel anda" dan "Wiktionary Jawi!?": THANK YOU! :-)

I, On Wheezier Plot, have hereby reward you with a WikiThanks award in honour and in recognition of not only for your promotion in becoming an administrator from the Malay Wikipedia barely two months ago nor for you being one of the first Malaysian Wiki-editors to have his online Wiki-username changed just recently last month, but more significantly, it is for being the closest Wikipedian and friend I have ever met or encountered in real life whom I can personally relate to and perhaps to be with. Therefore, congratulations and thanks for your unwaivering support throughout my life as an active Wiktionarian here! Again, Thank You! :-) ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 21:35, 7 September 2007 (UTC)Balas

Hello! We meet again, Edmundkh! However and deplorably for me, I cannot have a good time right now to answer promptly for such questions of yours due to the near “traumatic” Wiki-experience I had or an almost aftershock I obtained after being learnt to realize that I was given another unfavourable round of Aurora’s block barely a couple of days ago, which subsequently led to my longest absence ever from editing the Malay Wiktionary for the first time in seven months!!! "Sob!" In addition to that, I will also be a slightly inactive throughout this whole month of September, given that I will be sitting for all three different progress tests and an external exam both to be held inside my college on three separate occasions: They are on the tenth (that is, next Monday, afternoon), on the third week, as well as on the twentieth respectively. Oh boy, so many important matters to attend to whilst I somehow do admit that a lot events happening at present until I could not have any degree of sufficiency to go online in order to finish up my Wiki-work here as soon as possible, and how time flies pass that fast!

For these reasons above, thus I would like to enquire whether you would be free this coming Sunday going to church so that I might be able to explain to you in answering back to those remaining queries which you have sent in just now as shown from my talk page at its latest, for I will be on duty on that day as a back-up singer from the first English service. Hence, I would be glad to hear it from you and relieved if you were to be there! Concerning the last time we have met, we sure had a great talk on a lot of things relating to Wikipedia together under the sun at the church’s coffee corner: OmegaWiki, Uncyclopaedia, WikiPilipinas, WikiScanner, and not forgetting the upcoming additional WikiProject proposal known as WikiTrivia of course, coupled with several other interesting stuffs in which we gossiped about them too!

By the way, just want to impart you a bit more about myself id est my nature when it comes to contributing Wiki-websites particularly on behalf of this Kamus Wiki: Do you know that I am habitually less inclined to discuss about something or anything such as in the case of this one here whenever I am in a deep focus of contributing into the work of a Wiki? This is because I am pretty slow and reluctant most of the time nowadays to join in a discussion or to answer replies towards anyone involve and I feel a little distracted when somebody alerts me suddenly and it really got me startled in the midst of my passionate doing, not to mention it takes up a lot of my time to think of what my answer should be as well! This was evident recently when I was about to pen off my last paragraph for my final warning message to Aurora, out of the blue you immediately chipped in — thinking or assuming that I may forgot to sign my post without four tildes! Aiiyyooohh! Needless to say, definitely I am going to put my signature-what!? Why would I not sign it? I truly did not know you could come up with so many issues even before I can give my response! Oh, my! My humblest apologies for delaying your queries sometimes! "Sigh"!

Finally, as for my sense of immense acknowledgement plus with absolute gratitude of what you have done diligently up till today as far as this Wiktionary is concern, a very big THANK YOU so much for advocating my cause for the sake of my contribution! :-) I was quite taken aback by surprise when/where you single-handedly pitted off your arguments against Aurora like a champion debater!! "Ffuuuyyooohh!!!" I thought I was the only one alone defending my stand, I never apprehend such huge courage you have asserted and to have someone beside me like a genuine friend who would dare to take on a battle till I go virtually dumbstruck and unsure of what I am going to say! Wooww man, I sincerely admire your guts of consistency in accordance with what is right and true, Amen brother! Keep it up and thanks a lot for your help in embedding a few infoboxes into my userpage though! Godspeed and God bless!!! ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 20:14, 7 September 2007 (UTC)Balas

The Wikipedian's Prayer and the Jimbo's Prayer.


Hi Edmund, since you wanted to know, well here they are: "The Wikipedian's Prayer" and "The Jimbo's Prayer". Enjoy! ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 07:35, 4 November 2007 (UTC)Balas



Hi, You are now renamed, please leave a message on m:Requests_for_username_changes if You want the old account blocked too, I protected the redirects, so that Your old signatures will not break, best regards, --Spacebirdy 20:27, 21 Disember 2007 (UTC)Balas



Saya sudah menganggap Aurora tu sudah menjadi penyelia. Kan saya dah kata, saya mahu calonkan dia menjadi penyelia di wikibook tapi saya malas, baik dia buat sendiri kalau dia mahu. Saya mengatakan dia perintis kerana dia orang lama disamping Dekoelie dan Imran serta lain-lain. Saya tahu tentang kewujudan Kowey serta Imran Smith tetapi mereka sudah tiada tanpa meninggalkan nisan dan tidak menjadi hantu pada waktu malam! (manis mulut saya, harap faham). huhuPutera Luqman Tunku Andre 04:13, 1 Januari 2008 (UTC)Balas

Sahutan saya mengenai "Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu".


Yeah, I know about that already. Thanks for the reminder. ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 07:04, 2 Oktober 2008 (UTC)Balas

Which is why I somehow do not completely understand about her if such is the case you mentioned it to me lately. Is she not one of the earliest local female contributors and our Wikipedia's only lady bureaucrat in the entire Malay Wiki but decline to join the Rapat Umum? Memang pelik bin ajaib, so much for her ostensible girl power then! I bet that already explains why the Wiki as a whole is male dominated and how women are still a significant minority it has become. Thus I am in doubt whether the Malay Meet-Up Wikiproject would really work out effectively and efficiently when most womenfolk would not choose editing it as a career due to its lack of female role models. :-/ ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 08:24, 4 Oktober 2008 (UTC)Balas
Yeah, I can know that, and I remember you had already told me about it back in church during refreshment break on Sunday before last Sunday yesterday! Undeniably however, yet everyone has different views or perceptions on what is correctly constituted as making useful contributions and what is not. In other words, user's act of contributing knowledge is not usually put forth rightly by the public. Hence it is not very easy to contribute it in such a way when you think what you do is alright but unfortunately for others it might be an opposite story. That is why there are edits done in good faith, including those belonging to veteran contributors too like me. Still I may try to buy your words for it unless if you could present lucidly on stuffs you have mentioned just now regarding what do you really mean by taking advantage of that time for producing more practical contributions, especially in this Wiktionary context. Thank you. ~ON·W·HEE·Z·IER·P·L·OT~ 19:08, 20 Oktober 2008 (UTC)Balas